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My Take On Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, Priorities, And Just Letting Go

My Take On Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, Priorities, And Just Letting Go

As I am writing this my kids are playing some camping game in the same room, the baby refuses to nap, but thankfully she has decided to join in the fun with my other three, and I am taking a few minutes out of my time to get in some writing while I eat the lunch I have prepared for myself (wild caught salmon and roasted beets and roasted turnips)! I have laundry to fold, a kitchen to clean, and dinner to prep, among many other tasks I should probably get to around the house. 

A year ago I would be anxious and stressed out because of everything that I needed to get done. But, today I am different.The more I work to address my adrenal fatigue the more I am aware of circumstances that I just don’t need to over-stress about. I have come to the realization that with 4 kids there will always be messes, there will alwaysbe laundry to wash and fold, I will always have to cook etc. Does it help me at all when I try to have everything perfect? No, it does not!! If putting off the laundry one day means I can enjoy a walk, or sit down to my lunch, or take a moment to work on my blog like I am now then I’m ok with that! 

I used to strive to be that “supermom”. But, the more I learn through my own journey back to health, what is the point of being “supermom” to everyone else when you are unhappy and unhealthy. Yes, I am constantly busy driving my kids to sports activities, cooking healthy meals for my family, andblogging. To many onlookers I may look like supermom, but in reality I’m not. My house is not perfect, I don’t have 6 pack abs, my hair is a mess most days, but I’m ok with that. At least now I am.  Because, I am regaining my health, I am beginning to actually enjoy life, I am now able to let things go and not hold myself to as high standards (this is still a work in progress), I am learning that I am my own person and I don’t need to compare myself with anyone, I have learned to say “No”, and most importantly, I am able to be ok with myself if everything I wanted to get done in a day doesn’t get done. 

I have learned that there is no such thing as multiple priorities. We can have one priority and then everything else has to fall behind. For example, since healing my adrenals is important to me, momentarily my sleep takes precedence over a morning workout. In years prior, I would always make sure I got up at 5am before all the kids so I could workout. Now, I sleep as long as my little one lets me sleep. Does this mean that exercise is not important to me? Of course not, but I work it in when I can instead of making it my priority. Yes, this means I may not be the fittest I want or the exact size I may want to be, but I am not sedentary and get in movement and exercise when it fits into my day. On Saturdays my Yoga session is a priority which means I do an easier breakfast for my kids that day such as a smoothie or yogurt with grain free granola! Now this doesn’t meanI feed them a pop tart. Feeding them healthy is still at the top of my list, however, I find something that is both healthy and easy. Just because it isn’t my priority that day or time doesn’t mean it ever looses importance!!  This applies to everything we do! If you want to make sure you have healthy food to eat during the week than that might mean that one day a week you make meal prepping a priority over everything else for that day.

We live in such a fast paced world that we all think the more we do the better off we will be. When in reality we all have breaking points. And, doing more and more without letting go or taking a rest will only lead to chronic health conditions and unhappiness.  Our bodies can only do so much, and that amount is so different for everyone. That fellow mom on your soccer team may be able to handle more on her plate before her body brakes than you may, and thats OK!!! So DON’T compare yourself. Take time to focus on yourpriority and let everything else fall behind. Take care of your body; say “No” to people and tasks, practice some mindfulness or meditation, let go of the idea of perfectionism (yes, it is good to strive to do your best, but going overboard can take a toll emotionally), and listen to what your body is telling you!!!!

Until Next Time xoxo




Kale and Spinach Meatballs With Sweet Potato Noodles

Kale and Spinach Meatballs With Sweet Potato Noodles

Dairy Free Cashew Peach Ice-Cream

Dairy Free Cashew Peach Ice-Cream